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Eldritch Horror Board Game: Cities In Ruin Expansion

FFGEH08 Eldritch Horror Board Game: Cities In Ruin Expansion published by Fantasy Flight Games

You feel it just below the surface. Something gnawing at the edges of society, an ancient being that could so easily erase the steady march of machines and concrete that have come to be recognized as progress in the modern world. Your visions show you a desolate future, where all that remains is dust, ash, and those who have long-slumbered.

Violent earthquakes contort cities to unrecognizable ruin, torrential typhoons eradicate coastlines, and deep below the the Earth, something ancient stirs.

Shudde M'ell, The Cataclysm from Below, approaches with destruction and ruin as his heralds.

Cities in Ruin brings four new investigators, and a slew of new monster and encounter cards to the world of Eldritch Horror. New Ancient One Shudde M'ell's presence brings a destructive twist to the game in the form of deadly disasters.

No. of Players: 1 to 8

Duration: 120 to 240 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: £17.99
       (RRP is £27.99)